
  1. The program must serve the residents of Greater Orange County and advance the mission of The Jewish Federation of Greater Orange County. 
  2. The organization must be a 501(c) 3 not-for-profit organization or a subsidiary thereof. No grants will be made to individuals. 
  3. The organization must have a Board of Directors and demonstrate that it has the financial and human resources to conduct the program to be funded. 
  4. The program will be implemented during the 12-month period between January and December  (For religious schools only, the program can be implemented through the end of the  school year.)

Supporting Documentation

  • List of Organization’s Board of Directors or governing body
  • Organization’s most recent Annual Budget and Audited Financial Statements

Please complete one (1) application for each program.


Certification: All information in this application is true and correct as of the date of submission. 



Please list all expenses and sources of income.  List, but do not assign a dollar value to, in-kind donations (e.g. services and facilities donated to the program by the sponsoring organization or their staff and volunteers).  Indicate in the amount column “in-kind.”  Please note that Total Expenses and Total Revenue should be equal.

PERSONNEL EXPENSES                                               AMOUNT



Consideration, Approval & Notification

JFGOC grants are made at the discretion of the Allocations Committee and are subject to final approval by the JFGOC Board of Directors. Please note that financial resources are limited and may not be available for all programs. 

Before the Allocations Committee will consider a new grant application for the current year, applicants must submit a completed evaluation form for programs if funded the previous year. Applicants may be invited to discuss their applications at a meeting of the Allocations Committee.  

Grant award recipients will be notified in writing no later than the end of February. Grant funds will be disbursed at program completion or at the discretion of the Jewish Federation of Greater Orange County. A program evaluation must be submitted to Federation prior to any grant disbursement within 6 weeks or prior to December 31st.  Any program not implemented by December 31st (for religious schools only: by completion of the school year the grant was awarded in) will forfeit funding. 


All grant recipients must include the JFGOC logo, provided below, displayed prominently in any publicity, programs, brochures, newsletters and on the organization websites as follows:

This program was made possible by a grant from 


Application Deadline

Proposals must be received by 5PM on December 31st electronically via this submission.

Late or incomplete applications will not be accepted. Questions? Please call the Jewish Federation at (845) 562-7860.

Almost done. Where should we send the confirmation?

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